Strangely, this issue was undetectable for me up until now, as I had never defined a Shadow LOD that was not explicitly the original model. Whenever the Model Detail setting is set to Medium or Low, GMod falls back to the Shadow LOD rather than the lowest LOD for this model. I did this in homage to the old N64 style of rendering shadows.
The model shown uses a special Shadow LOD which overrides its shadow, forcing the shadow to render as a flat circle instead of the original model. I am very adamant about providing LOD optimizations for my addons, and it appears that my subscribers are now experiencing an odd issue with models that use the Shadow LOD command, and the Model Detail setting. Instead of the ragdoll model, it would render a flat circle instead. Recently, it was brought to my attention that one of my models was displaying incorrectly ingame. I have created several model addons for GMod, mostly ragdolls and props. Hello, this is the first time I've reported an issue to the GMod bug tracker.